Current Projects
LEARN Study (Longitudinal Evaluation of Aphasia Recovery and Neuroplasticity)
We are studying the way that brain function changes over the timecourse of recovery after stroke to allow better speech and language communication skills. Tracking the brain and behavior over time of people who have had a stroke will help us understand how brain networks change to support better outcomes after one year.
EEG Cross-Sectional
Our cross-sectional EEG study focuses on chronic stroke patients, older age-matched controls, and healthy young adults. First, we hope to establish reliable EEG markers in young adults, which can then be used to measure brain activity differences in stroke survivors compared to their peers. Then, we aim to identify biomarkers that are indicative of aphasia and language impairment. Our goal is to translate these discoveries into clinical practice by adapting the biomarkers for use with mobile EEG devices, which are cost-effective and practical for clinical settings. Ultimately, this will equip clinicians with better tools to assess and treat aphasia, improving patient care.
Information coming soon!